I thought I would swing by my own blog to see what was happening. Apparently some people are still reading this thing (LOL).
Life's good but I have been very busy for quite some time. I would like to say that I have been off writing the next Great American Novel or travelling around the world but I have just been working all the time.
Luckily, I am enjoying the school year. I am teaching fun classes and creating new curriculum. I have a new boss and generally better (or at least nicer) students this year.
A few weeks ago I got a reminder to slow down because I had my first exacerbation in over a year. I had to do a large dose of Prednisone (500 mg a day for 4 days). When I was done my vision cleared up but the steroid withdrawal also made me sick. Between the exacerbation and the steroids I had about two weeks of skull pain, vertigo and nausea but I was able to keep up with my life by just resting more. Now I feel good again!
This was a good learning experience. It reminded me not to push too hard and to draw some boundaries with work. I am coming home sooner after work to rest. I am still doing some work at home but I'm not spending as much time under florescent light and that really helps. I have noticed that the lights make me feel much worse. I have also been creating systems so I can work more quickly and efficiently. Best of all, I am just slowing myself down by pausing to breath and meditate.
I have fallen madly in love (with my kitten). She gives me a reason to come home and a reason to lay around in bed so we can play. She makes me smile.