The thing I like best about blogging is the sense of community. I have been welcomed and found by other MS bloggers. Now that I have been on here a little while and I have regained my health, I really enjoy reading the blogs I have discovered. The comments section on each blog is a treasure trove of information and resources. I keep finding new bloggers who intrigue me. I also like actually knowing a little bit about the people reading and commenting on my blog. Now when I get a comment from a regular blogger, I remember who they are and what they have been writing about. I can actually take the advice I receive and consider the source. I love getting into comments from other MSers because I feel accepted. I feel like other people with MS get where I am coming from and judge me less.
I am also having a similar sense of community at my therapeutic yoga class. People are warm, friendly and non-judgemental. It seems like many of us are on the same page when it comes to treating our MS. Today we went to lunch and I learned several important tidbits. No one in the group I joined for lunch today is on DMDs anymore. I also learned there is a possible "cure" for some allergies using a type of acupuncture. It was also nice to hear other MSers reiterate the importance of living in the present and enjoying life. The rest of the group is a bit older than me and they have a lot more experience with both life and MS. It feels good to have their acceptance and to listen to their insights and advice. I am blessed.
New Free Workshop - Trevor Wicken is doing Hip Flexors
10 months ago
When I first start blogging, I read political, life, news, and entertainment blogs.
I did not know of any MS bloggers until Lisa E., I consider her the ringleader of bringing the MS community together in the blogosphere.
Thanks for the history. I also consider Lisa the goddess of MS blogging.
And I am blessed to know you! My intro was BrainCheese and her 100 MS Blogs project.
I'm pretty new, and I was thinking also about writing about my blogging experience. I write for a women's health site, and sometimes it's hard for me to just "journal" and stop trying to write articles. My husband's all into developing the website and doing links (software engineering nerd.) I'm just enjoying the new people and the shared MS experiences--- thanks everyone!
Jen, you should start your own blog. I would love your help and advice on becoming a professional writer. I have published before but I'm not really sure where I should send things out to or if I should try to just write for one magazine. I would love some advice.
Oh, Diane, back at you. You are one of my favorite bloggers of all. I love your wit, humor and solid writing.
Hi Nadja---
I'm the "Jen" at So I do have a new blog, but I opened a profile at, because I looked like an alien blogger when I posted comments to any of you guys! Now I get an orange "thingy" next to my name, with a link to my "foreign" blog.
Seriously, I am new to personal blogging, which I enjoy, but I've written online for a women's health site( a little over 2 years. That gig, which doesn't pay a ton, has gotten me a contributing writing gig at a local moms' mag (South Jersey Mom.)
I've read that it's important to start with local mags/newspapers and acquire writing clips for bigger things. I use the Writer's Market (2008 version) for information.
I wish I knew a way to make good money off the bat. But it's said that persistence is the key..
denver, if u haven't alredy--check out
for ANYTHiNg you could ever want to know about writing and being published,
We are blessed to have your thoughts and writings. I don't often comment, but know that I appreciate your insights.
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