I better keep this quick... My husband just complained that I spend too much time on the computer. Let me clarify lest I be labelled a junkie. I spend one hour a day at most but unfortunately this hour tends to fall between 5:00 and 6:30 on any given day right when he gets home. I guess it's time for some reshuffling of my schedule. Hmmmm...
Let me apologize now to those blogs I neglect during my busy week and my now limited computer time. I still love ya and I'll try to come by if I get any time to myself.
This was the best week of work I have had in a long time. The kids settled back in to the new term and the chaos in my room was greatly scaled back. I also seem to be getting more outside support for my classes. I have paras twice a day now and a special educator who comes in regularly. I have even had some support getting difficult kids out of my room.
I believe that a change in my attitude has also partly acccounted in the changes I am experiencing at work. I still can't seem to get excited about work but I don't dread it the same way anymore. One of the biggest recent changes in my life has been my new ability to catch myself when I am about to start freaking or stressing out. I have not gotten to the point where I don't react to things but I have gotten to the point where I notice my own reactions more. I may not control my reactions in the moment but I am not letting myself slip into a long, drawn out state of emotional discomfort. It is true that we cannot control all the things that come to pass in our lives but we can control how we deal with those things. I think I am slowly learning to do this. Again I find myself connecting to breath as the key to this process. When I feel myself getting stressed I remind myself to slow and deepen my breathing. It really seems to help. Like the yoga I do on my mat, this is a practice but I am excited to realize that I can do so much with my own mind.
New Free Workshop - Trevor Wicken is doing Hip Flexors
10 months ago
Sounds good, girl. Don't worry about making rounds. Just keep with your breath.
Good for you! Lately my symptoms have been on a downhill slide, right as I try to get into the habit of doing more than a lump on a log and it's very frustrating. Glad to hear you're getting more and more of a handle on things, at least in some ways. Gives me hope.
That is great Nadja!
Attitude is the hardest, yet easiest change we can make to help ourselves. :)
I should replicate your breathing technique when I start getting upset.
Thanks, Lisa.
Hang in there Sammie. It seems like you have a tough bag to handle. Stick with the writing. I think it helps.
Serina, attitude is hard to change. Even though I am beginning to learn it is still a daily struggle of sorts.
hey warrior woman- good to hear you're OK-keep those eyes on the prize.(and lifted toward the sunshine)The energy you generate surely is forging a link that entangles us all in the chain of the living.Best to you.
You are amazing! You sound good and you have found a strategy which truly works for you. I am happy for you.
Sounds as if you have found "center" once again...that must feel a far better place from which to operate!
Linda D. in Seattle
Could you please persuade me to get to a yoga class? I think it would get me more motivated!
I'm glad you're gettin' your mojo back and also that your school is starting to wake up to the fact that you need in-class support. MS or not.
Jen, go to yoga already (LOL).
Thanks to everyone who dropped in. Sorry I have been so out of the loop.
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