Stuart recently had an article on his page by Christine Groth about the different kinds of thinking. I commented on his page about experimenting with creative thinking and a short correspondence ensued. I mentioned that I have been engaging in some creative thought before I go to sleep and that this has led to some very vivid and interesting dreams. I also mentioned to Stuart that I have an active imaginary life. Below is an edited excerpt of the email I just sent to him this morning.
My imaginary life is always changing. When I was a kid I told myself stories about the people I met. Even now when I am awake, I can create whole imaginary back stories for people. It keeps me entertained. I also like to daydream about the books I read.
My own imaginary back story is that I am an artist of some kind who is always involved in arts events. In this world, I know tons of Bohemians and artists. Sometimes I am a professional dancer or a full-time yoga teacher. Sometimes I am even a pop star (LOL). I dream about being a successful author too. When I can ignore the MS, I am a world-traveler as well. It is possible to have a vivid, imaginary life even when you are awake, you just have to suspend your realities and let your mind take you where it will...
Today I am grateful that I am tapping back into my creativity and imagining some other possibilities outside my current realities.
New Free Workshop - Trevor Wicken is doing Hip Flexors
10 months ago
My sense of creativity was lost somewhere. I used to draw, paint, and write creatively when I was younger. Even had a pencil drawing and a poem that made it to our state Teen Arts Festival. So it's nice to see that your creativity and artistic abilities are still intact.
Thanks Jen but my creativity is not what they used to be either. It seems my creativity comes and goes...
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