Today I wanted to share a brief update on my progress with my new year's resolution and an update on my health and happenings. The picture of me included in this post was taken yesterday and I am pleased to announce that the dress I am wearing is my latest refashionista project. If you want to check out some of my other work click here.
So far I think I am doing a good job working toward my goals for the new year. My primary goal was to worry and stress less and to work toward a state of peace and happiness. Ever since Sunday of two weeks ago, I have been feeling less anxious and more content. While I still worry at times, I have not been feeling the anxiety nearly as much. The other day I wrote about the "reset" button. I remarked that just telling myself that I can start my day over at any time really helps me stay positive. I have also helped myself by being active and focusing on my positive contributions to my own life and to others.
One of the big bonuses I have noticed since I started to feel better mentally is that I feel better physically too. I still get fatigue and nausea at times but none of my symptoms have lasted more than a few hours. When I am tired or I have a headache, I am liberal with the naps and ibuprofin and that has really nipped things in the bud. Since I have felt better, I have napped less overall and been able to do more things and get out and about more. Last weekend I didn't nap at all and I felt fine. This weekend I also skipped the naps. I actually made it out to several fun social events as well. On Thursday I went to my little sister's birthday party. On Friday I went to a girl's slumber party at my best friend's house and on Saturday, I went to my older sister's birthday. I think this is the most I have done in a long time.
Since I have been feeling better, I have also been able to do more around the house and at work. I am slowly regaining my confidence at work. I have even had some days where I was genuinely excited on the job again. At home, I have been able to clean my house more often and extensively than I have since my diagnoses. I have also kept up with my cooking responsibilities so my husband doesn't always have to do all the work. I think my renewed ability to be helpful and active has helped both my physical and mental state.
Today I am grateful that I got to go to yoga. I am also grateful that I have tomorrow off to celebrate Martin Luther King day with some of my family. Most of all, I am grateful that Obama will be inaugurated this week. This adds to my hope for the future.
P.S. check out my Wellsphere profile and vote for me...
Good for you, Nadja!
Thanks Jen.
Nadja! Good for you, I'm so proud of you, and very glad that you are finding your inner strength. when it gets hard, remember that you will make it. :) I love the reset button.. I really need to implement that in my own attitude!
Oh and Very Cute Dress!
Thanks Serina.
Happy days. The human brain is a powerful instrument. I'm glad you are feeling more positive. Everybody needs those moments, and the more frequent they are the easier it is to keep generating them.
You're right Carl. Thanks for dropping by.
Great dress! You're adorable.
Thanks Heather :)
Good for you and thank you for the idea of a reset button that will come in handy.
I've not been by recently for which I'm sorry. Trying to stay afloat here.
I also like the idea of a reset button and love to hear your thoughts and actions as your grow and mature in dealing with changed circumstances.
You are a strong lady and are coming into your own. Good for you!!
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