One might think that with divorce and the fact that many of my old friends won't talk to me that I would be sad or lonely. This is not the case. I am celebrating my solitude, in fact, I crave it. Today I am at work but I wish I were home reading, studying, painting and writing poetry. I can't wait for the day to end so I can be alone again.
Being alone is like oxygen for me. It is in my solitude that I find creativity and strength. I need the time to recharge and rejuvenate.
I love teaching. I love to teach school and to teach yoga but in order to do it from the purest place, I must find time to be alone.
Yesterday I spent the whole day alone. It was amazing! Now I want more. Tonight I teach yoga but I imagine that there is more time alone in my future.
Today I am grateful for the time I get to spend alone.
New Free Workshop - Trevor Wicken is doing Hip Flexors
10 months ago
Good for you! :)I wish I had just a bit of the happiness that you're feeling.
Pitter, in time I think you will. We control our reactions and every day is a new day. Happiness is before you if you embrace it!
Finding joy in solitude speaks wonders to how comfortable you are in your own skin. Very impressive Nadja. Being at peace at that level is something many long for, and can't be easily achieved. So glad to read you've got it. I know that you spread that wealth as a teacher~ Kudos. ag
I love alone time too. My birthday gift to myself each year has been to go off alone, just a corner outside or in a mall, and ponder. I am able to breathe so deeply and total peace comes over me. I have been living w/partner of 30yrs but we both always take our alone-time.
I understand that. Ever since my daughter died I have turned into a reclusive fool. I don't know if that is "finding joy in solitude" but it is what I choose to do; it makes me feel a little closer to her I guess. I have time to think a bit.
"Out there" there is so much going on I can't hear myself think. I realize my situation is a bit different than most...but I crave the solitude now.
Myelin, I think I get what you are saying. It makes sense to me. Take your time but remember to save some time for those you love when you feel a little better.
Good for you. Just don't let the solitude become the center of you life. That is a road you do not want to travel down... trust me on this one.
Keep smiling though... things will always work out. :)
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